More things to do after the Estate
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Familiarize yourself with the different menus, especially Library and Help as most questions can be answered there. Also type /search into chat to quickly find help topics.

Learn Appraisal (for identifying monsters and items) and Exploration (for revealing hidden buildings) from the skill trainer outside of Springlade and read up on their use as soon as possible.

Collect ten rat tails and you can exchange them with Duncan The Odd at 29, 53 for your first pet: a rat thief. More trophy quests can be found in the Trophy Shack at 33, 58.

To level up your skinning consider the sewer dungeon inside of Springlade (looks like a cave to the south east as you enter town).

After learning exploration you can level up in the Fisherman’s Drop at 33, 60 and later the Springlade Graveyard at 31, 58. Outside both dungeons are NPCs outside that will reward you for collecting a trophy from the boss of each dungeon.

If you’ve already paid for the game Greenmead at 15,59 offers dungeon appropriate for level 20 characters and a quest for a unique item.

To find yet more dungeons and other places to explore beyond these go to World>Landmarks and explore the selections there.

Read up on the conflict between the Society and the Exiles over the throne of Myzan . To join either side visit the Tower of the Emissary’s at 27,47. Each side offers quests and rewards to players of all levels. Joining either does not prevent you from joining the Reapers at level 100.

Check out Guilds>View for a list of player run guilds. These often have their own in-game or offsite forums to communicate with fellow members, and guild only quests such as those found in the Guilds of Hope at 31,58.

Eventually you will need the Cold Survival skill to reach some areas. Search help for Coldglen or Cold Survival when this happens.

At level 50 you`ll have your first chance to evolve your profession via the Tower of Evolution at 32, 62. Archers, Casters, Fighters, Healers and Rouges should all carefully consider their options via Library>Professions>Profession Evolution before committing to one of three possible paths.

Finally, when you reach level 95, you will be able to leave Knotwood Valley for Sandydale Basin. Search help for Unlocking Realms at this point.