The Exiles and Society
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After Durgen Blackcrest stood down and his son Morgan was crowned king of Myzan, there was a short peace; it was not to last long, however. Morgan had always had a crush on Vanessa Dupris, daughter of a noble family. Now as king he took her as his wife and the couple arranged a lavish wedding.

On the day of the wedding, guests and nobles from all the lands of Myzan arrived, bringing gifts and good wishes. The wedding was a magnificent affair with clowns, acrobats, dancing bears, behemoths, jesters, sword swallowers, flamecallers, and many other performers from far away lands. Everyone had a marvelous time, not realizing that treachery was brewing. It wasn’t until later in the evening, when most of the guests had already left and the vigilance of the guards had relaxed, that things began to go fatally wrong. Suddenly, alarms sounded throughout the castle and a large armed force charged the main gate.

With many of the castle’s guards off celebrating the wedding or lying drunk in the courtyard, there were barely enough guards to offer any kind of defense. Several of the remaining guests turned out to be in league with the attackers and opened the main gate, allowing the invaders full access to the castle.

The King and Queen, who had by now retired for the evening, were rudely awakened by a servant who informed them that the castle had been all but taken and that enemy forces were even then approaching. Indeed, just as the servant finished speaking, a group of heavily armed soldiers burst into the room, slaying the servant and capturing the new King and Queen.

King Morgan demanded to know who was responsible for this outrage and it was then that Victor Ramirez, one of the King’s closest advisors, entered the room, wielding the Amulet that his father had recovered. Morgan was shocked as he had always considered Victor to be one of his closest friends. They had even grown up together.

Thinking the castle to be secure, Victor ordered four of his most trusted soldiers to take Morgan and Vanessa to the dungeon. They never arrived, however, as several of the king’s loyal guards managed to ambush and kill Victor’s soldiers. Taking secret passageways only known to the king, these loyal soldiers smuggled the royal couple out of the castle to an unknown location, where Morgan began to plot his return to power.

When Victor found out that the king had escaped, he flew into a terrible rage. He ordered all of the royalists to be hunted down and killed. While it is not clear if he succeeded, those people loyal to Morgan have been forced into hiding and are known as the Exiles. Victor, meanwhile, formed his faction from the remainder of the noble families of Myzan who were truly loyal to him and he refers to his supporters as the Society.

Since that day Victor and his wife Sophia have ruled Myzan with an iron fist, ruthlessly taxing the poor and squandering much of the money on lavish parties. Victor is no fool, however, and he knows that as easily as he came into power, it’s only a matter of time before Morgan tries to take back the throne. Therefore, he has developed a formidable network of spies and he ruthlessly hunts down anyone even suspected of having Exile sympathies. At the same time, Victor is building up a massive army so that when Morgan does strike, he will be ready for him.