The Trade screen can be used to trade Items, Pets and Money to other Players, Pets or NPCs.

Please note this screen is not used to sell goods to System NPCs to get money, NPCs will just delete anything you give to them via this screen.

The Trade system is split into 2 screens:

First Screen
The first screen lets you choose the items you wish to trade (multiple items can be selected using click and drag), the money you wish to trade and also any pets you wish to trade.

Second Screen
The second screen confirms the goods you are trading, and lets you select a recipient if one is not already selected. It also confirms that the recipient has enough space to receive the items.

When completing a trade the items, pets and money are given to the target, if the target is a System NPC the goods are deleted from the game.

If you wish to complete a two way trade, i.e. trade items to another player but get paid money back in the process you need to use the Barter screen.

You may only trade to someone on the same tile as you.