Added for the 2008 Christmas season a new series of quests started by Oldman Wintersvale at 27, 17 Knotwood Valley.
- Non Artisan -
There are 5 new dungeons in the game for levels 50, 250, 500, 750, 1000 (you can try out these dungeons even if you are not these levels but the content may be easier/stronger than expected due to the fact they are tailored to these levels by default). Oldman Wintersvale has quests for each of these dungeons, as well as quests to be found from an NPC inside almost everyone of the dungeons.
- Artisan -
Jim Jangles a new Holiday NPC can be found inside the Crafters Corner and he has some quests for you so that you can still participate in the holiday spirit.
Wintersvale deluxe gift box
A reward from Oldman Wintersvale, gives you one of about 10 - 12 different cool Holiday themed rewards.