Way of the Warrior
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The Way of the Warrior skill is a class skill gained by the Samurai class. It has several purposes in game and is used both in combat and out of combat.

Note: Like Dual Wielding this skill has no benefit from being raised if indeed it can be raised. Having 1pt in the skill has the same effect as having 4000pts in the skill.

Inside combat if you are defeated you shall not that let you down, you pick yourself up for one valiant last stand and regain 10% health and stamina and hope that is enough to let you win.

Outside of combat while mounted this skill increases the spell limit from mounts to four spells from three. It also unlocks special Way of the Warrior mount bonuses as Samurai`s were expert riders.

Use in Combat
This skill is used automatically in combat the first time you die in a fight you will get a second chance. Dying after the second chance will be the same as if you did not have the Way of the Warrior skill.

Using Mount Bonuses
To use Mount Bonuses simply mount your pet then go to the Character > Mount Bonuses screen.