Dungeon Masters can now define a list of races called a Pool (C) Goon 2006, to setup a Pool goto the standard spawn screen for Dungeons then click the “Pool List” button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be shown an initial screen listing all of the “Pools” you have setup, to create a new pool click the New Pool button at the bottom of the screen and a blank new pool will be added, you can use this screen to rename to the pool to something more relevant such as “Animals” or “Firey ebil monsters” then click the Configure button once a pool is selected and you will be shown a screen similar to the spawn screen. This screen lets you add all the races you want to spawn under this pool, use the back button to go back to the Pool screen when you are done and then go back to the Spawn screen. After setting up a Pool, you can use these in a room by clicking on the Pools button at the bottom of the Spawn screen, so that it shows Pools rather than Races on the screen, then you simply choose the pool and set the level of the spawn like normal. You can also use Multi-spawn to setup multiple rooms to use a Pool rather than a race. Click the Races button at the bottom of the screen to switch back to Race view. Once a pool has been setup and applied to a room, the monsters in that pool will spawn randomly on the tile rather than having a specific race spawn every time like with the old system.