You can trade to players directly using the standard trade system. This system can be accessed in one of two ways:
The difference between the two ways to show the trade screen is that the first will use the targeted player as the recipient while the second method will allow you to choose a recipient on a second page of the trade system.
Trading Page 1 of 2
The first page of the trading screen is used to select the things you wish to trade. To select items use click and drag on the left window this may sound like an odd way of doing it but it means you can select a bunch of items quickly without having to take your finger off the mouse button which makes it a pretty quick and intuitive way of doing things.
You know when an item is selected as its background color will change to indicate that fact.
You can also use the buttons in the middle of the screen to select items in bulk:
On the right side of the screen you have a box that allows you to enter an amount of money which will be given along with the items to the person you plan on trading with.
If you wish to trade items from a bag other than the default you can use the bag buttons at the bottom of the screen to switch back and forth between bags.
You can only trade items from the same page of your inventory in one go so if you plan on trading items across multiple inventory pages you may need to trade several times.
To proceed to the next screen click the Next button in the center column of the screen.
Trading Page 2 of 2
The second page of the trading screen is used to confirm the items and money you are trading and in the case of a trade started by the Character > Trade menu it also gives you the opportunity to select the recipient of the trade.
After choosing your recipient the right side of the screen should include information on the recipient such as inventory space free.
To go back to the previous page to make a change click the Previous button at the bottom of the screen otherwise click the Complete button to finish this trade and give the items and money to the selected person.
If the target of your trade is a player the player will receive a message letting them know they received items and/or money and the items can then be found inside their Inventory > Containers > Trade Bag.
If you are trading to a system NPC such as a Healer or General Store the items you trade will be deleted from the game.