Track items
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The Track Items skill allows you to track certain types of items that are currently spawned on the map. You can track the following:

You can only track currently spawned items using this skill, and as these items do not spawn in any fixed location but only when someone visits a tile you may find that there are times when nothing can be tracked.

This is a class skill that Treasure Hunters and Crimelords receive although it may be possible to use it through equipping items with bonuses.

Skill Use
You can access the Track Items screen via the World > Track > Items menu.

The track items screen has a bank of buttons on the right that show the different things you can track, if a button is greyed out that means that it is the currently selected tracking method.

There are no level boxes here to enter the level of item you wish to track as many of the items either have no fixed level or have a basic level that would not normally show up.

Use the white arrow buttons to move the displayed view around, if you find an item then you will gain a purple skill gain and can simply click on the item to go to that location to pick it up.

Skill Required = (Item Level * 5)

As item levels are semi-variable the skill formula is less important although you will only see items on the track screen you have the skill to view.