To scupper or not to scupper, that is the question
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What is scuppering?
Scuppering is common sea folk term for sinking a vessel on purpose, usually by opening a sea cock or some other form of valve that lets water into the vessel. As pirates and navy folk aren’t smart enough to work valves usually their form of scuppering involves blowing a blooming great big hole in the bottom of the vessel.

Why should I scupper a vessel?
Scuppering despawns a vessel allowing a new one to spawn, you should scupper a vessel after disabling it and taking whatever bounty you wish if you are in the Pirate League, if you are in the Navy using the impound button will effectively scupper a vessel although you can if you wish click the scupper button instead of the impound button if you are not interested in the extra reward from impounding.

More Information
If you wish to pay the same courtesy you expect others to give you then it is recommended you get into the habbit of scuppering or impounding your victims, otherwise you may annoy some people.