Released October 2010 the Sky is Falling is a new content pack for Lands of Hope.
An Alien race carried through the stars in a small capsule for a million years crash lands into Myzan. The entire race begins to be reanimated but the capsule is damaged and some of the peaceful Aliens are reborn as blood frenzied killers intent on chewing faces off and being downright mean!
Rxawish the leader apparent of the aliens, asks for your help in restoring the damaged gadget so that his people are no longer reborn as killers.
Journey underground and into the stars as you seek to help the Snarkles.
There are numerous artifacts and cool pets up for grabs in this content pack so don`t be a cheap ass go and buy it today!
After purchasing a pack of 10 * Starlight Keys from File > Buy Extras > Amazing Items for only 5dollars (yes thats FIVE DOLLARS!) go to 76, 12 and enter the Crystal Caverns to begin!