What is it?
The Marketplace is a public chat room used to advertise and perform trades. Jobs and auctions can (and should) be linked in this channel instead of in the global shoutbox. Additionally, items for sale can be linked here, either by linking the item or by linking a bag from Inventory > Containers > Bags. Players can also post requests for things in this channel.
How do I get there?
There is an icon bar just above the color selection for the chat window. The folder icon allows you to choose a room. Click the icon, then select the Marketplace. To go back, click the icon again and click Global Shoutbox.
There are also useful chat commands that can be used to access the Marketplace:
You can also configure the Marketplace (or any channel) to be one of your favorites. The house button on the icon bar will always take you back to the Global Shoutbox. The red and blue flags are for your favorites. You set these favorites by entering the desired channel and typing /mark 1 (for red) or /mark 2 (for blue). Later, clicking on these flags will take you directly to the channels you previously marked.
How do I use the Marketplace?
Aside from linking to items, bags, jobs, and auctions, there are two advertising commands that you can use to draw attention to your Marketplace posts:
“Player” is buying “text” please see the Marketplace channel, type /market to go look!
“Player” is selling “text” in the Marketplace channel, type /market to go look!
Keep in mind, these last two commands will be displayed in the current channel, but you should still links your offers, jobs, and auctions in the Marketplace. For instance, link your job for bricks in the Marketplace, then in the Global Shoutbox, use /buy bricks to display an appropriate message in the shoutbox. Leaving out the “text” will use “something” as the item being bought or sold.
Why should I use the Marketplace?
There are several good reasons to use the Marketplace:
1. The Global Shoutbox scrolls very quickly. Posts made here may last as little as 10 minutes. The Marketplace doesn`t scroll fast, and often a post made first thing in the morning is still visible several hours later. Players must be able to see your offer if you want to have it filled.
2. Common courtesy. Linking to several jobs/auctions quickly is considered spam, which is in violation of the chat rules. Additionally, job linking can be contagious, causing other players to link their offers, which further increases spam. Instead, use a