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The Surgery skill is a class skill that the Arch Priest class gets (Healer evolution), Surgery is unusual in that it is both a crafting and gathering skill.

This skill allows you to make equipable items from harvested body parts..

As with all of the crafting skills you will need to learn plans for the surgery skill, seek out a plan trainer for this skill or buy dropped plans from other players.

You can visit the realm guide pages at Help > Manual > Coldbreeze  to locate the plan trainers.

**After you have learnt at least one plan you can access the crafting screen by going to Inventory > Tradeskills > Surgery.

The crafting screen will list all of the plans you currently have enough skill to use.

If you learn a plan while you have bonus items to surgery equipped then take the item off and your skill drops below the required skill level for that plan you will not be able to use it until it goes back up to the required skill level.

For more information on the other buttons on the crafting screen please check out the help topic linked below which will explain them in great detail.

To begin constructing a body part simply click on the plan on the left of the screen this will cause the bottom of the screen to update and display the ingredient selection box.

The ingredient box as the name suggests lists all of the ingredients that are required to make the item. By default the screen will automatically pick the best ingredients you have for the task at hand but there may be times when you wish to change the ingredients to use a lower level one if you are making items for someone else or to sell, in such cases clicking on the ingredient on the left of the screen will cause the middle of the box to display a list of compatible ingredients you currently have and let you pick one to replace the default it selected.

When you are happy with the list of ingredients you are using simply click the Assemble button on the right side of the screen and the item will be added to your Inventory > Queue screen.

Crafting items stands a chance of a green skill gain when using the right level primary ingredient (formula below) and also experience when you finish the item in the queue screen.

If any ingredients on the list show up red it means you are missing those ingredients or you do not have high enough skill to use the ones you have in your inventory.

Material Formula
Material Level = ((Surgery / 5) + 5)

i.e. If you have 100 surgery you can work with up to level 25 materials ((100 / 5) + 5).

Harvesting Parts
Surgery is performed through the Care feature, when you move the mouse over a Pet or Monster you will notice there are two care buttons in the middle of the screen. Click the first care button when you have a humanoid pet or monster selected.

The Care screen shows a list of actions that can be performed, typically a common list of caring options for humanoids are Milk (female), Butcher, Eye, Heart, Brain and Shear there may be some deviations depending on sex and subspecies..

Note: The actions in red on the care screen typically involve killing your target, so do not use them if you are caring for a prized pet or it will be deleted from the game.

Caring for a target within 25 - 50 skill points of your Surgery skill will yield a green skill gain chance. It will also use the Inventory > Queue system and provide experience upon completion of the queue.

The eyes, hearts and brains you gather in this way can then be used in crafting and turned into equippable items.

Skill required = (Target Level * 5)

i.e. To care for a level 100 human you will need 500 or more Surgery skill.