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Traders Alliance
The Traders Alliance is a very large organisation that pretty much controls all of the trades and shops in Myzan, there are a few independant owners but generally all of the traders sell Traders Alliance merchandise and give a cut of their profits back to the Traders Alliance. They have numerous offices and banks throughout Myzan and there are rumors that the Traders Alliance have been supplying both sides of the Exiles/Society war.

Wintersvale Industries a large company founded and operated by Oldman Wintersvale own a large amount of the Traders Alliance although it is helmed by someone who is not affiliated with Mr Wintersvale.

The Tenth Legion
The Tenth Legion are a group of fanatics that worship the 10 Legends, the central fact they believe is that the 10 Legends will be reborn or will walk the earth again and at such time this happens they will become the army of the Legends and will do whatever it takes to make the Legends happy.

A few corrupt members of the legion have managed to turn it into a very nasty group, they do not shy from murder or bribery to achieve power and over the years many people have gone missing from towns and villages near Tenth Legion outposts.

If the Society and Exiles were not totally distracted by the civil war they might turn their attention to stopping the Tenth Legion from acquiring more power before it is too late.

The Tenth Legion took over Old Town which was formerly the capital of Myzan and now have it as their headquarters, rumor has it that they are coveting some powerful relic of old that they found here.

Long ago, one of the 10 Legends stumbled across the city of Drakgard, this was where the King and Queen of the Drakes lived and was carved from the inside of a mountain, it was a beautiful place … the Legend was a good man and did not slay these beasts as they did not threaten him … the Drakes were unused to this behaviour from the savage men fold of the lands who usually tried to kill them for being well Drakes.

A bond was formed between the species of man and drake this day, and after the Legend had completed his quest he returned with loyal followers and they formed a band of men called the Drakgard, their charter to protect the Drakes.

The Drakes offered each man and woman an egg, while some eggs did not hatch a few lucky ones became Drakeflyers and could defend the Drakes from the sky, as the Drakegard grew they became an elite unit of the Kings guard.

After a few centuries the Tenth Legion launched a campaign against the city of Drakegard and managed to slaugher most of the drakes and kill the last queen Jazenda, however a few of her last clutch of eggs were rescued and smuggled out to safety by members of the Drakegard.

Nothing has been heard of from the Drakegard for thousands of years.