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The Stealing skill is used to steal from players and monsters, Stealing is a class skill that the Pickpocket and Bard evolutions from the Rogue profession obtain.

_You can also gain the use of Stealing from items that provide it as a bonus.
Monsters start with a small purse of money which can be stolen from, Players have a small purse which goes up the more money they earn.

When you steal from a player you take money from this purse until it is empty, the Player purse is seperate from the held funds of that player so by stealing from someone you will never actually make them poor.

Using this skill you can also steal items from Monsters and from Allegiance enemies you can never steal from people in the same allegiance as you, nor can you steal from pets.

When stealing from Monsters you will not receive a bounty, when stealing from Enemy players you will receive a Bounty which will lead to Hunters hunting you down to cash in the reward.

**Skill Use
**To use this skill you need to move the mouse over a Monster or Player and click the Steal button (looks like an eye).

Stealing is then conducted automatically with money from the hidden purse being taken first, repeat the process to take more money. Once a hidden purse is used up you will start to steal random items from the target.

The items you can take are not items the target had, so the target doesnt lose anything.

There is a special list of items ranging from junk to more rarer items that are available through stealing. You can see the items available via the Library > Items > Steal Loot screen.

Stealing from Players will increase your bounty, to prevent friends from “farming” each other you may only steal 5 items from any one specific character in a 10minute period so will need to switch to a new target.

As these stolen items are not owned by a player before being stolen there is no need to return them as they are not considered stolen. 

You will get a guaranteed skill gain when stealing items or money from players and you also gain experience.

No specific formula needed, higher skill allows you to steal more money at any one time and may unlock better items.

Being Jailed
If you acquire a bounty and are captured you may be thrown in jail the length of your jail term is determined by the amount of money your bounty was up to.

While jailed you can not do anything and will have to either sit it out patiently or switch to another character.

Training Boxes
The Tinkering skill has a recipe called a Training Box which can be unlocked using lockpicking skill, it can also be opened and if you have the Stealing skill it will give a random chance of a skill gain based on the level of the box. 

For a chance of a skill gain when using a rogue training box use this formula.

Box Level = (Stealing / 5)

i.e. If you have 50 stealing skill using a level 10 box will stand a chance of a skill gain.