Portalstones are items that have been made using the Portal Mastery skill, while crafting a portalstone requires a skill the use of the stone itself does not. This means players are free to buy/trade/sell and use these stones as they see fit.
Portalstones provide an alternate way to travel, when you use a portalstone it creates a clickable but temporary item that lets you and anyone else that clicks on the portal access the destination the portalstone was bound to.
**Using a Portalstone from your Inventory
**To use a Portalstone go to your Inventory > Containers screen, click on the portalstone in question and click the Use button.
The actual portalstone item is not destroyed so you can continue to use it over and over again.
This will then open the portal and it will show up as either a building or world item depending on if you were inside or outside when you used it.
Using the Open Portal screen
You can open portals to places near by if you have a portalstone by either using them as listed above or by using the World > Open Portal screen.
You may find it more convenient to use the open portal screen if you have a lot of portalstones or can`t remember where a portalstone is bound to as it provides a graphical map of the portalstones you have in your inventory.
You can use the white arrow buttons to move the displayed view around and if you wish to open a portal click on the portal destination.
Using a portalstone does not get you any experience nor does it involve skill gains to any skill.