Bar refreshes
Check this option to have your extra bar refresh periodically. This will ensure your bars are very rarely out of date.
With our without this setting checked your bars should updated if the game detects a change to the information that is being displayed such as adding a new travel shortcut or getting a new pet however sometimes it may not be as easy as to detect a change so setting this option on will make the data displayed more accurate but it may also make your game slightly slower from time to time.
Primary extra bar and Secondary extra bar
The list of bars available in these options is identical. You can have two extra bars on at any one time and you can decide what each bar will display depending on personal choice. The available choices are:
Filters, Shows a list of filters.
Filters are a sub-effect of the Inventory system and can be used to access specific groups of items in your inventory without searching for them.
Vertical extra bar
This setting only comes into effect if you have both a primary and secondary bar turned on. With this box checked your extra bar area will be split into two vertical boxes and with it unchecked your extra bar will be two horizontal boxes stacked one ontop of the other.
Having this option checked allows more information to be displayed but it will require you using a higher screen resolution to get the full effect if you are using 1024 * 768 to play the game this setting may cause your extra bars to be scrunched up.