This is a very simple guide designed to explained the starting process in Lands of Hope. Essentially everyone starts on a Closed Estate, this is a New Player only area that will keep you occupied learning the basics of the game up until level 5. While you do not necessarily have to follow the quests that are provided on this estate, you should at least do the initial training quests as these are how you obtain your basic posessions such as clothes and weapons. A Walkthrough on the first few quests can be found in the manual The quests are provided to make getting to level 5 as easy as possible, when you do get to level 5 you are summoned to go see the Baron inside the Estate Manor and a short quest will allow you to be released. After you leave you can not return to this estate. When you do leave you gain a Box filled with some more goodies that will aid you on your travels. There are a number of quests to be done in the Town you find yourself in after leaving the estate. These can be done for some extra experience and money although the majority of them are intended as learning quests to get you started. In this game you do not naturally start with any Styles, Spells or Crafting Recipes you have to go out and find them, while some of the quests on the estate may give such rewards you will also find Trainers outside of the estate who can teach you such things, although no one trainer will teach you all you need to know. This is designed to encourage you to explore a little more. Luckily you can use the World > Maps menu as it has 3 useful screens to help you track down such trainers. Note: Some trainers exist inside undiscovered buildings which must be discovered with the exploration skill.