Myzan Land Rush
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Once a year at an as yet unfixed date/timet there will be a Myzan Land Rush, now some of you may be asking why this is necessary when you can already own land.

The idea is that once a year one special auction will be held using real money instead of game money, the winner of this auction will gain a wonderful reward a set of up to 5 specially designed tiles.

Winner receives:

As you can see this is truly a most amazing prize and won well worthy of your bidding, to enable the maximum amount of people to bid on this auction it will be held in a new chat channel and conducted live!

The first Myzan Land Rush will take place at 1pm ET (6pm GMT) on Saturday 9th August, please note this auction will be using real money this means that payment will be required based on your winning bid within 7days of the auction ending, if payment is not forthcoming the second highest bidder will win and payment will be expected from them within 7days.

Bidding Tips

If you can not make this Auction but wish to have a chance at winning, please email with a subject of Auction proxy bid, include your account number or name in the email and the maximum amount of money in USD you will be prepared to bid. Your bids will then be taken into consideration during the live auction and you may still be chosen as the winner.

This truly is an amazing prize and you will go down in the Myzan history books by winning it!