Monster Levels
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Each level of the Dark Depths is intended for a specific player level range, with the first level being level 50 and later levels going up by 100 i.e. 150, 250, 350 etc ….

Because you must first do a previous level to get to the next level this will mean higher level players will have to go through all of the lower level areas to get to the higher level ones. Some of you may not like this but I am hopeful most of you will appreciate why this is necessary.

Put it this way I doubt very much if anyone would seriously want to do a 5000 room dungeon if all the monsters were the same level as this would be extremely boring, now players have a huge dungeon to play in as they gain levels in the game and this makes it more interesting.

Also the whole “spawn at your level” system has been shown to be flawed when it comes to a higher level player spawning but not killing a monster preventing a low level player from getting past.