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The Lordship skill is a class skill gained by the Shogun and consists of one part crafting, one part strategy and one part world domination.

With this skill a Shogun is able to obtain a Smallholding (special Lordship building, additional types may be added at a later date). The Shogun is responsible for making sure their Smallholdings are well maintained and kept in a good state of repair, every week during Sunday Maintenance the state of the Shoguns smallholdings is assessed and a tax given to the Shogun.

If you keep your Smallholdings looking nice you will have more Peasants living within which will allow you to gain more taxes, if you however keep your smallholdings looking like hovels the peasants will stay away and your taxes will be low and feeble and not even cover a meal on McFilberts Unhappy meal menu.

Lordship Duties
As a Lord there are certain furnishings you can make using Inventory > Tradeskill > Class Skills > Lordship, these can be placed into your small holding buildings to increase that buildings Lordship rating.

This will have the effect of attracting more peasants which will mean you earn more money from that building.

Viewing your Lordship Status
You can use the Property > Lordship screen to view the status of your buildings, the display shows your current lordship rating, how happy the peasants in your buildings are and how many peasants are present.

If your peasants are unhappy it will cause your lordship rating to lowered and your income reduced. To alter the happiness of your tenants you can use the Lordship (coin) button on the Lordship screen.

This screen consists of four attributes:

  1. Pathside Appeal, needs to be re-applied every 14 days.
  2. Structural Integrity, needs to be re-applied every 10 days.
  3. Pest Control, needs to be re-applied every 2 days.
  4. Water Treatment, needs to be re-applied every 7 days.

Each attribute as long as it has been applied within the specified time limit will provide 25% of your happiness for a total of 125% happiness. Each attribute either outside of the date range or never applied will decrease that buildings happiness by 25%.

Happiness directly controls how much of the total tax money is gained, with 125% happiness meaning you gain more money and 0% happiness meaning you are a slum lord and get nothing.

So furnishings determine how many peasants are in your building, peasants determine how much money you can get in taxes and your happiness rating determine how much of that money you will actually get by affecting your income.