League Privateer
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Allowed Armor: Cloth Leather
**Expansion Pack: **Uncharted Waters

Shrouded Isles Home Base: 18, 15

The League Privateer class has the following combat weapon skills to choose from:

You will get a sword (if you do the Combat quest) you can also craft your own or buy weapons from General Store NPCs dotted around the lands of Myzan. This class does not have the ability to dual wield weapons so initially you will be limited to using weapons on a one handed basis. The Privateer class starts with the ability to use Leather as well as Cloth which puts it on an even footing with the Archer, Fighter and Rogue classes.

Attack Power: Good
Magic Power: None
Armor: Average
Health: Average

After you have done the Training - Combat quest you will have gained some weapons, this section of the guide will focus on the use of the Smallsword in your Estate Supply Box rather than other weapons, although the information can be applied to most weapons.

As with all weapons making sure you have the best Sword for your level will ensure you do optimum damage, there are new materials generally every 5 levels so you should be able to upgrade your weapons every five levels, however there are not NPC shops every five levels so you may have to trade with other players or kill monsters or craft the items yourself to obtain them. The higher the level of the item the greater its DPR (Damage per round) rating and thus how much damage it can do.

After equipping your weapons, you can attack with them in combat. To attack an enemy in combat click the Attack button and you will swing at them.

Class Specific Skills

Special Skills

**Privateer Choices
**At Level 50 you can evolve into a Buccaneer, evolution does not take away any skills, infact it gives you more skills and higher stats when you level.

As one of the two Uncharted Waters classes you gain the ability to pilot vessels while on water tiles in the Uncharted Waters expansion pack realm.

These vessels can be used to sink “monster” enemies to gain bounty and faction fame, you can upgrade your vessel with equipment made from the Seamanship skill or get bigger boats as your fame increases.

Your fame determines what rank you have and what additional faction rewards you can access such as bigger boats, new captains and special items.

Your fame can be raised by doing quests for your faction NPCs, sinking vessels or by capturing islands. Additional information on all of these topics can be found under the Help > Help Topics system within the Uncharted Waters category.