Land Manage Town Screen
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The Manage Town screen can be accessed by clicking the Town button at the bottom of the screen when standing on a tile you own.

The Manage Town screen can be used to manage all of the tiles you have permissions to manage in the current realm however by default the current tile you are on is selected.

To manage a different tile use the white arrow buttons to move the displayed view around then click on the tile in the map window on the left of the screen to select it.

Tiles you own will be marked with a bouncing arrow symbol so you can easily see tiles you currently already own incase you don`t remember the locations.

You can use the Action Mode toggle in the center of the screen to switch between management tasks.

Edit Mode

Using edit mode you can change the following tile properties:

Click the Save button to confirm your changes.

Town Mode

Using town mode you can perform the following actions:

Delete Mode
Used to delete the selected land tile. This will reset the tile back to defaults but leave any buildings or tile items you added behind. This tile will cease to be owned by anyone and may revert back to being up for sale on the Land > Buy Land screen.