**Hydrania - Goddess of the Sea
**When vessels go to sea, the sailors often pray to the Sea Goddess as she is the deity that ensures no trouble befalls them. If there should be trouble at sea quite often a sacrifice is made to the goddess and if that doesn’t make things improve, often the clumsiest member aboard the ship is deemed to blame and thrown over board … The goddess appears differently to everyone, however the most common appearance is of a long slender woman, with pale skin that shimmers in the light and long blonde hair. She has pale opal eyes and has made many a woman jealous of her husbands infatuation!
**Blackskull is an undead that is making a play for power in the Shrouded Isles, when he was alive he was a formiddable magician. Now he seeks to amass an army by turning the living into the dead!
He is at war with Hydrania the Goddess of the Ocean!
**The Sea King
**The mythical ruler of the oceans, no one is entirely sure what he looks like although he is said to be part human but also part sea creature. He literally is the king of the sea and will smite anyone that doesnt show his ocean the respect it deserves! Legend has it that he and the Goddess were once very close perhaps even married but their relationship turned sour and now they each look after their own interests …
**A fearsome Octopus like beast that often attacks ships, few people survive such attacks but the ones that do are never quite the same again.
**A massive armored turtle that uses its heavily armored head to bash its way through the hulls of ships. Top scientists have speculated its a lonely male turtle who thinks the ships are female turtles and its only trying to get some attention. Perhaps one of these days he will get to make an appearance on Dr Phil and get his issues dealt with!