While the Exiles or Society are not really considered good or evil simply two opposing sides of a war, the third allegiance the “Reapers” are considered very evil and dangerous.
You may join the Reapers at level 100, even if you have previously joined an allegiance you can join the Reapers. Unlike the other allegiances they are not fussy about who they accept as you are all considered meat and even if you suck at being a Reaper you might make a career out of being a light snack before dinner.
How to join the Reapers?
The Reaper recruiter will only talk to you if you are a Nightstalker, this is a side effect of getting bitten by a Nightstalker and can be obtained by resting at night (see tips at the bottom of this page).
After being bitten and reaching level 100 you need to go visit Astoria the Awful at 74, 3 in Sandydale Basin (the second realm). She will have a simple quest for you to take which upon completion will forever make you a Reaper.
Resting instructions
To be bitten you must rest at night (while standing outside of a building or dungeon), night in the game is between the hours of 20:00 and 04:00am, you can tell the current game time by looking at the time in the top right corner of the game window (to the right of the Help menu).
Note: You can not get bitten if you are currently disguised or bitten so make sure that you sue the Character > Info screen to remove any disguises or changes to your appearance (Remove button) before resting otherwise it will not work.
Recent changes to the rest system mean you have to rest while outside of a dungeon or building to get bitten, so you should no longer rest inside to attempt this.
As with ordinary resting the events that happen when resting at night are random so there is no guarantee you will get bitten when you want and by what you want … there are two different races that can bite you when resting at night.
If you get bitten and your picture now looks like this:
You were bitten by a Feralkin (which does not help you join the reapers), while if it looks like this:
You were bitten by a Nightstalker and can join the reapers if the level 100 requirement is met.
If you do not get bitten right away do not give up, keep trying until the clock hits 04:00am and then try again the next time night rolls around, game time is about 6 times faster than real time so there will be plenty of opportunities to rest during the night.