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Players who need a lot of an specific item and are not particularly interested in getting it themselves or simply players who would rather outsource the gathering process to others and let them earn some coin in the process can setup Jobs.

A job is a way for a player to make a specific “wanted” listed for an item(s)  and then have other players come along and fill the job, this nets the player that made the job the items they wanted and lets the person filling the job get some extra money.

How to make a job?
To make ajob go to Character > Jobs > Add Job, the screen will allow you to choose the item category that the item you wish to make a job for fulls under, generally you can only make jobs for craftable items, resources, trophies and some special items … you can not make a job for every item in the game.

Tip: I would recommend viewing these categories to see what items can have jobs made for them.

After choosing the category you will then be able to choose the item you wish to make a job for and then set the following information:

Once you are happy with the information click the button to add the Job and it will immediately be available for completion ny players.

Job Process
After making a job a player find your job via Character > Jobs > All Jobs screen, once a player clicks on your job they will see information about the job on the left and a list of the items on the right of the screen that can be used to complete the job. If the player does not see a list of items it means they have nothing that can be used to complete the job in their inventory, which may either mean they have the wrong level items or not enough of the right level items to complete it.

Each time a player completes the job the fund will go down, the person that made the job will receive notification on completion and will gain the items in their Trade Bag.

**Managing or Deleting a Job
**To manage/edit a Job go to Character > Jobs > Edit Job.