Interacting with the game
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Lands of Hope is played almost entirely with the mouse, although using the keyboard to move and perform some actions is also supported.

The main interaction window is shown below while the content of the window changes depending on what tile you are on the actual layout will not differ very much.

The window contains the following elements:

  1. Character/NPC/Pet/Monster list
  2. Info and Button bar
  3. Building list
  4. Weapon bar and World items
  5. Bottom button bar

These different sections are explained below:

1). Character/NPC/Monster/Pet list
As the name implies this is where a list of all of the characters, npcs, monsters and pets that are present at this location are displayed.

You can interact with anything on this list by clicking on it or by moving the mouse over it then clicking the appropriate button in the middle of the screen.

Stealthed characters/pets are not displayed and must instead be revealed using the Detect Hidden skill.

2). Info and Button bar
This area of the window displays information when you move the mouse over something on the screen and it also contains a bank of buttons that can be used to interact with whatever you had highlighted.

3). Building list
When you are on a world tile a list of buildings on that tile is displayed on the right of the screen, as with the character list you can interact with a building by clicking on it or highlighting a building and selecting the appropriate button in the middle of the screen.

When inside a building a preview of the room as well as a list of items in that room is displayed in this area instead of the building list.

4). Weapon bar and World items
Below the character list is a small horizontal bar that contains both the items you have equipped in your hands and a list of items that are at this location. You can click on them to interact with them or highlight them and use the buttons in the middle of the screen.

When inside a room/building this bar is not visible but its contents is loaded into the building list.

5). Bottom button bar
At the bottom of all of the game screens is a bottom bank of buttons. These buttons can be used to interact with the current tile or room you are standing in.

Some of the buttons such as the Beg button will require you have a skill i.e. Begging.