How to make money at low levels
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Currency it makes the world go round and you probably want more of it everybody does well here I am to tell you how to get it.

When you start the game the easiest way to gain money is to kill and loot humanoid monsters these can be found in various locations around Myzan such as tile 27,54 simply kill the monster then loot the corpse remember to dispose of the body so a new spawn appears, Keep repeating this process until your inventory is full. Next head to town at 31,59 and sell the loot to the healer.

Repeat this process until you have the money to buy trade skills. Next purchase a trade skill that allows you to gather items such as mining. With the skill gather a item till you fill your queue then go off and loot humanoids till it is ready to be emptied this will take about 5 minutes repeat this process until you have 1000 of the item you were gathering, then you can refine it using another skill or sell them outright, keep repeating the process until you have the desired amount of money remember to upgrade to a higher level of Item after every 25 to 50 trade skill points.

Other easy ways to make money are the Trader`s Bank bullion quest you can do this as soon as you leave the estate Simply talk to the banker inside Springlade at 31,58 and he will will offer you 10 sp for every bullion you turn in and 20 sp for Lasso`s Hide.  Further more the Crafting quests given out by the skill trainers will net you 3 sp per completion, so those also will earn you money, and can be used with the aforemention method.

Also remember that 100 bp=1 sp 100 sp=1 gp and 100 gp=1 pp