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Allowed Armor: **Cloth
**This class limits you to playing a Female character only.

The Hag class has the following weapon skills to choose from:

You will get a stave and a broom automatically from your Stranger Quest you can also craft your own (from level 50 onwards) or buy level 5 thru 50 weapons from the Witch Store NPC found in the Spotted Pumpkin. The Hag class is configured for combat, using their Enchanted Weapons and is probably about on par with the other melee classes or a little weeker.

Attack Power: Average
Magic Power: Low
Armor: Average
Health: Average

To find your trainers go to the Spotted Pumpkin at 32, 58 in Knotwood Valley.

You can learn two basic combat styles when you use the training book in your Strangers Chest, one will be for your 2 handed staves skill while the other will be for your Hag only skill “Enchanted Weapons”.

As with all weapons making sure you have the best broom for your level will ensure you do optimum damage, there are new materials generally every 5 levels so you should be able to upgrade your broom every five levels, however there are not NPC shops every five levels so you may have to trade with other players or kill monsters or craft the items yourself to obtain them. The higher the level of the item the greater its DPR (Damage per round) rating and thus how much damage it can do.

After equipping your broom enter combat and click the Attack button and you will swing at the enemy.

**Future Choices
**As a Hag, at level 50 you can evolve into an Enchnatress which will allow you to create your own weapons with the Charms and Hexes skill as well as crafting other special items, you will also be able to cast special hex magic spells.

At level 350 you can become a Temptress which gains the Slavemastery skill.

At level 650 you can beomce a Witch which will unlock the Bewitching crafting skill, this special skill is used to make buff items you can apply to other items to place a magic spell on them.

Evolution does not take away any skills, infact it gives you more skills and higher stats when you level however you should understand the differences between each profession before evolving so you dont later on decide you made a mistake.