Throughout the game there are special NPC guild buildings usually called “Guilds of Hope” once you are in a guild and promoted past the new recruit level you will be able to access these buildings.
To get started there is one at 32, 58 in Knotwood Valley
These NPCs are responsible for handing out guild quests and for giving out rewards once you complete a guild quest.
Reasons for completing guild quests:
Guild Quests
The guild quests screen lists a series of kill style quests where you need to go and kill x monster to complete the quest. The quest will usually give you a hint as to which direction to go to find the monster you need to kill or if you have tracking skills you can probably find them real easy with the track screens.
Completing a quest will unlock the reward item on the Guild Rewarder NPC.
Each quest you unlock will earn you one guild fame, however if someone else in your guild has unlocked a quest recently then you will not get guild fame for completing it.
Guild Trophy Quests
The trophy quests screen lists a number of special quests that will let you unlock some pretty nifty rewards from the Guild Rewarder NPC.
These quests involve bringing back trophy items and once the NPC has all of the items the quest is completed and the reward unlocked.
Rewards like the Standards and Guild Bag are totally unique to guilds and should be completed for cool rewards.
**Guild Rewarder
**This NPC serves to hand out the rewards that are currently unlocked by your guild. Any reward unlocked by anyone (either you or another guild member) is shown.
After unlocking a reward the NPC that hands it out has the following restrictions:
These restrictions make it so that the quests have to be repeated to get the reward at a later date and gives a reason for guild members to do the quests.