The Guilds menu contains the following items:
Opens the View screen that you can use to view a list of guilds in the game including any guild you might be in. You can use the list to check up on rival guilds or ally guilds or just to compare how many members you have versus other guilds.
You can also use this screen to request membership to a guild.
Manage / Create
Opens the Manage/Create screen which lets you either make your own guild or access special guild features such as the treasury or if you are a guild owner/admin you can use this screen to perform all of the management functions such as:
Opens the guild roster which gives a list of all of the people in the current guild you are in, together with relevant information.
Opens the guild messages screen which lets you communicate with your guildies by posting messages and reading others.
Open the property screen which lists all of the buildings that have been declared as guild property.