The guild screen is the main screen for updating your basic guild settings and options.
The screen consists of the following options:
Guild name, the name of your guild. Guild names are unique so you can not use a guild name if someone else has already used it for a guild.
Abbreviation, a simple two or three letter word abbreviation you wish your guild to be known as.
Allegiance, the allegiance your guild is tied to. Setting your allegiance will determine who is able to join your guild (changing your guilds allegiance may cause any non-compatible members to be removed from the guild).
Neutral, all allegiances can join your guild.
Exile, only exiles and neutrals can join your guild.
Society, only society and neutrals can join your guild.
Reaper, only reapers and neutrals can join your guild.
Guild Description, a paragraph (or two) description for your guild meant as a teaser so people can get a brief understanding of your guild when browsing the Guilds > View screen and looking for a guild to join.
Guild Website, the address of your guild website (if you have one).
Contact Email, the email address of the person in charge of the guild or dealing with guild related matters.
Accepting Members
Check this box to allow people to join your guild using the Guilds > VIew screen.
Uncheck this box to prevent people from signing up although you can still invite people using the Add members screen.
Accepting Criminals, if this box is checked your guild will allow criminals to join otherwise no criminals can join your guild.
Recruitment Style, allows you to set how recruiter NPCs will handle promotion.
None, Recruitment NPCs will not work.
Fame, Guild members will be promoted to ranks based on how much fame they have and the titles that have been entered for your guild. Enter fame numbers in the Guild Fame box on the Edit Titles screen.
Level, Guild members will be promoted to ranks based on their level and the titles that have been entered in the system. Enter level numbers in the Guild Level box on the Edit Titles screen.