Guide to Job Pricing
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For jobs, pricing is everything.  If you want to have your job filled, you`re going to have to make it an attractive offer.  Here are some tips:

1. Don`t offer less than the NPCs

If a player can sell the item to an NPC merchant for more than (or the same as) what you`re offering, nine times out of ten, the NPC will get it.

2. If you`re in a rush, offer more than the next guy

If you want to create a job for an item that someone else has a job for already, make your offer more attractive, or the other player is likely to get it.  If you don`t need it in a hurry, price it however you want, but realize that the higher paying job is often filled first.

3. Price realistically

Some items, like arrows, are not worth all that much at the merchant; however, make sure to research the effort required to craft the item.  Arrows require smithing an ore into an ingot, and ingot into arrowheads, logs into planks, and then arrowheads and planks into arrows.  That`s up to four crafting actions for 20 arrows.  Set the price high enough that players will be enticed to actually take on this task.

4. Oftentimes, smaller jobs are more attractive than larger ones

If you need a lot of a specific item, try creating a few small jobs, one-at-a-time, until you have enough.  Some people see a job for an item that can be completed 100000 times, and just turn away.  Instead, make it a job for 100 items 10 times, and when that`s done, create another.  Of course, if you offer enough on the first job, this won`t be necessary.  Remember that while pricing is everything, some players prefer to complete small jobs just to get them off the list.

5. Offer extra for higher priority

If you want something delivered overnight, you`re going to have to pay extra.  The same holds true for jobs.  If you want it done right away, make an offer that causes people to race to complete it.  Rush orders should always be priced higher than a standard order.  

6. Use the comments

After you create a job, you can then click Edit Job to add a small comment to your listing.  Use this field to specify special instructions, rush order, or negotiating information.  Be aware that you can specify “level 100-200 only” in the comment, but that doesn`t prevent people from filling your order with level 1 items, if “Any level” is selected.

Of course, if you`re creating a job just to sweep up the extra stuff that players don`t want, then price however you want.  But if you really need the items, be sure to price accordingly.