Getting a Tool
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If you are performing a gathering or crafting action you may require a tool, these tools are essential and are easy to obtain in one of two ways:

Buying a tool
Start off by getting a low level tool:

  1. Go to 31, 59 (Springlade)
  2. Click on Springlade town building (shows up on the top right corner)
  3. You should now be inside the actual town and will notice the mini-map is different
  4. Click on the square a little to the North East it will show up as the General Store on the tooltip.
  5. Click on the NPC
  6. Click the Buy Items button at the bottom of the screen

If you do not see the tool you are looking for, try clicking on Page 2 and looking under 2 handed items as some tools such as the hoe are considered two handed.