Goto the skill trainer for the skill in question, click the Train pets button at the bottom of the skill screen then select your pet and have the NPC teach it the skill. Next up goto File > Options, click on the Extra Bar tab and turn on the Pet Extra bar this will load the Pet bar in the right side of the screen, if you are using 800 * 600 screen size the extra bar system will not show up. On the Extra Bar, there is a button labelled “Map” clicking this will show the Resource Map for the pet, much like the screen shown from World > Resources for players. Choose the relevant resource you wish the screen to display, such as logs or ore by clicking the button on the right side of the screen. The screen will display all of the resources in the currently viewed area your pet has the skill to gather. Click on one of the displayed resources to goto that location, then click on the pet on the extra bar (not the map button this time) it will load the Pet Control screen, which has a list of the resources at this location at the bottom of the screen … click on the resource you are interested in and this will then show the gather screen for your pet. It sounds complicated but once you get used to it, its really quite quick.