A Cyan crystal is used to make a Potion of Ice Veins, which in turn can be used to enter Cold tiles such as Coldglen as it gives a 24hour bonus to Cold Survival. There are many alternatives to a Cyan Crystal, including the Ring of Elements bought extra (File > Buy Extras > Amazing Items) and also Headbands of Ice Veins and other items with Cold Survival on them. You can search the Marketeer NPC looking for the COLD SURVIVAL bonus and someone might be selling such an item at a reasonable price. Someone may also be selling a Cyan Crystal on the marketeer you never know …. However if you cant find a Cyan Crystal or item with Cold Survival bonus on it, this guide will tell you how to get one. Cyan Crystals like herbs, only spawn on one type of terrain in the case of Crystals that is the Desert envrionment. In Knotwood Valley there is a big desert/sand area to the south of Springlade town, you cant miss it if you use the World > Maps screen. There is no exact science to getting the right crystal, it might take you a few minutes if you are lucky or it might take hours. Pick any sand/desert tile and stand on it, do not bother killing the monster on the tile (if there is one), loot any item on the tile and then click the small world button in the bottom left corner of the screen. For those that dont know, that button refreshes the screen so this saves you the time of clicking on the map again …. it is the same as going to World > Refresh but it is a little faster. Keep on clicking the button until an item spawns, pick the item up and then continue until you have either a cyan crystal or a silver crystal and an aqua crystal. The silver and aqua crystals can be used to make a cyan crystal using Alchemy or for people without Alchemy the Craft Marketeer. After getting a Cyan crystal goto Coldglen Border Town and complete the Healer NPCs cyan crystal quest and you will receive 2 Potions of Ice veins.