File Menu
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The file menu contains the following items:

View important game announcements that have happend that day. Useful to catch up if you have missed an announcement or wish to have a recap.

A simple calendar showing important game dates such as when patches were made. You can also add your own private or guild events to the calendar to act as a reminder of ingame or out of game things that are important to you.

Change Character
Lets you change to another character on your account without logging out of the game.

Using this will cause your currently logged in character to remain visible for 15minutes before being auto-logged out.

**Buy Extras
**Lets you access special character extras such as unique items or character enhancements like a bigger queue size. 

Your Trading Cards
Lets you view a list of all of the trading cards you have used. When you use a trading card from your inventory it will show up on this list..

**Lets you play a couple of simple time-wasting games like snakes and drake races. There is no prize for winning but you can compete with others to get on the high score table.

Use this screen to configure all of the options that are available for your character. The game can be customised in a number of ways using this screen and the options it presents.. 

Chat Options
Lets you configure chat options, this screen can also be accessed via the File > Options screen. 

Lets you access a list of available chat channels, from this list you can choose to join a channel. A similar screen can also be reached by clicking the Choose room icon on the shoutbox bar. 

Lets you access a list of game downloads.

Lets you access a list of game related links for convenient access to important or useful resources as well as player sites. You can also add links to the list to make it easier to access resources such as manual pages you use frequently.. 

Logs your current character out of the game and makes it disappear from the game world immediately. If you just close your game window without logging out your character will remain visible for 15minutes before being automatically logged out.