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Farmer Class
The Farmer Class is now included with the Dragons of the East expansion pack (don’t worry if you purchased the pack already you will find it unlocked on the New Character screen). This class leads to the has two unique lines (versus the three with normal classes or one with most other bought extra classes) at level 50 you can evolve into a Spy which later leads to Ninja or a Conscript which leads to Shogun.

Right now there is still some minor work to be done on the Shogun Lordship skill although the basics are up and running but I am hopeful that as this is a level 650 evolution very few people will actually get to level 650 before I finish it off.

New skills:

Targeted Combat, Denshi class (350). Allows you to target specific body parts in combat.
Parlor Tricks, Ninja class (650). Allows you to make ninja stars and special combat tricks.

Way of the Warrior, Samurai (350). Allows you to survive one defeat in combat and return with 10% health and stamina for a final onslaught, also grants +1 mount spell slot.
Lordship, Shogun (650). Allows you to own buildings, and attract peasants to those buildings with potential money gains on a weekly basis from taxing your peasants.

Under Construction