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The Exploration skill is used to discover buildings and places that have been forgotten or lost for any number of reasons. After you discover a lost place it remains accessible for 30minutes after which time it is forgotten again.

Exploration is a trainable skill that anyone can pick up, and is not bound to a specific class.

**Skill Trainer Location
**Kaelia Kaka at 31, 59 in Knotwood Valley

Skill Use
The exploration skill is a tough skill to raise due to the fact that all players are competing to explore buildings it can be hard for new explorers to get started.

The first step in becoming an Explorer is to seek out the exploration skill trainer and buy the skill.

To begin with travel to Springlade, and use the right bar below the Character Info area to click on the Travel button, this presents a list of actions … choose Exploration (between Tiles for Sale and Area of Interest) this plots markers on your map showing all of the places you currently have enough skill to explore.

If the map is empty and you have 10 or less skill it means there is currently nothing available to be explored, if you have higher than 10 skill you should try using the White arrow buttons in the bottom right corner of the screen to move the displayed view around the current realm incase there is a building outside of your vicinity that can be explored.

Its worth noting that any building that is explored be it by you or another explorer remains explored for 30minutes, during which time no one else can explore it. It is only after 30 minutes that the building reverts to being unexplored and someone can explore it again.

There are a group of training buildings that only new explorers can explore, this prevents more experienced players from ruining the fun of new players.

If you can not find any buildings to explore a wise tip is to visit the Library > Discoveries page as this lists buildings that have currently been explored, you can travel to the location of such a building and use the Info button to find out when it was last explored and therefore discover when it will next become explorable.

Exploring Buildings
If you have found a building that can be explored travel to its location and click the Explore button which can be found at the top of the screen below the Library menu  in the bank of buttons.

This will show the main exploration screen which provides a summary of all of the buildings that can be explored on the current tile, together with unexplored and currently explored buildings.

To explore a building click on the building on the listing, then on the right of the screen click the Explore button.

You can click the Area button at the bottom of the screen to quickly explore an area but this limits the amount of skill gain opportunities you have as you only get one gain from clicking the Area button while you can get one guaranteed skill gain per building by exploring them individually.