As well as normal experience you may receive messages that you are gaining:
Dungeon experience
This is a bonus applied to your main experience when you are fighting and killing monsters inside a player made (dungeon mastery) dungeon.
dxp = ((Actual Experience / 100) * 20)
i.e. If your unmodified experience amount is 1000 you will be getting 1200 experience with 200 of that coming from dxp. ((1000 / 100) * 20)
Fellowship experience
This is a bonus applied to your main experience when more than one member of your fellowship is online. The actual bonus increases as more members of your fellowship comes online.
**Experience bonus
**This is a bonus gained based on your Experience Bonus skill. The Experience Bonus skill is not a class or trainable skill it is one that is solely available as bonuses on items or from special spell effects.
Bonus Experience = Experience Bonus
i.e. If you have 33 Experience bonus skill you will be getting an increase of 33xp to any action you perform that earns experience.
Note: The experience messages that include dxp, fxp and xpb already contain the total amount of experience you have gained the extra notes that list the dxp or fxp or xpb values are merely there to demonstrate how much of that total amount of experience came from these bonuses.