Experience bonus
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The Experience Bonus skill is used to increase the amount of experience you gain while playing the game. This is a skill that no one starts with, it can not be learned or trained and it is hard to come by in large quantities.

**Skill Use
**This skill is passive while in effect many actions like crafting and fighting that yield experience will give an additional experience bonus.

The skill comes primarily as a bonus random effect from resting using the World > Rest menu, but it may also be gained from other spell effects and special experience potions.

Due to the extremely powerful nature of this skill we will never release a large amount of abilities that raise this skill as it could unbalance the game.

**Additional Experience  = (EXPERIENCE BONUS)

This means that for every 1pt you have in this skill you gain 1xp more.

i.e. If you gain 100 experience and have a 200 experience bonus you will gain 300 experience total.