Endgame Legends
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Long ago when Time was but an infant in the arms of its parents it was given a toy to play with so that it would not be lonely.

The toy as they called it was made up of many galaxies and many solar systems some did not survive the rampant tantrums of Time, while others flourished and prospered.

In one such galaxy a young world was just coming into bloom, a world the inhabitants called Myzan. It was a world of conflict and struggle with many intelligent beings fighting over the most trivial things and an almost endless amount of wars being fought.

The War of the Lands was one such long running conflict between many races over the rights to free land, the war lasted for many many years with the loss of thousands of souls on each side.

It was only brought to a close when a wise sage suggested that there need not be fighting to decide who owned the land there could be a contest …

It was agreed then that a contest would decide the fate of the free lands, two brave heros from each of the five races involved in the fight were chosen with one female nominee and one male nominee from each.

The Five Quests
The contest was simple yet brilliant each nation would devise a quest, there would be five quests in total. Each quest would be as hard as possible to complete and each quest would be placed into a magic hat which would randomly assign a quest to each team in the contest. The hat was enchanted to make it not assign the quest that the nation the team represented had written.

At the end of the drawing each team had received a quest and the final part of the contest was explained the first team to complete the quest and return with proof of completion would win the contest and receive the rights to the free land.

The teams all left with a joyous sense of adventure but little did they know that it might be years before they saw their homelands once more if indeed they ever made it back.

While the facts on if any team ever completed the quest still remain unclear, it is clear that in the following years an uneasy peace was held.

History over the following years is still very sketchy but eventually old rivalries faded and new friends were made and a series of ten magnificent “Tombs” were erected to honor each of the participants in the contest.

Legend states that these Tombs still remain out there for those who can find them and may contain legendary artifacts and glorious rewards for whoever uncovers them however they are guarded and defended well so it is not something just any player can attempt.