Enchanted Weapons
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The Enchanted Weapons skill is obviously a weapon skill. It is a skill that the following playable classes get:

As with all weapon skills to be able to use weapons that are linked to this skill you must physically know the skill only the classes that get the skill naturally can therefore use enchanted weapons as you can not train in this skill.

As well as allowing you to equip and use Enchanted weapons this skill also determines what styles you can learn and therefore use in combat.

This skill is primarily for two handed weapons so you will only be able to wield one weapon when you have a two handed enchanted weapon equipped.

For a full list of the styles available for any weapon skill you can use the Library > Styles screen.

For a full list of the weapons that are tied to a specific skill you can use the Library > Items > Weapons screen.

To learn new styles visit the appropriate style trainer you can view the locations of style trainers via the Help > Manual > Realm Name guide page.

Combat Style Use
To use a combat style in combat you need three things:

To attack with a manually chosen combat style click the attack enemy button then choose which style you wish to use.

To attack with a manually chosen ranged combat style click the attack with ranged button then choose which style you wish to use.

You can also ready some styles using the Abilities > Styles screen then use the readied buttons instead of the manual buttons. The game will then pick the best style you have the stats to use that is on your ready list.

As the fight goes on your stamina will go down so the list of available styles will go down.