Dungeon Keys
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What is the point of dungeon keys?

The idea of dungeon keys is to give you a little exp and one or two equipment (randomly chosen). There is no confirmation that you`ll always find treasure though.

So how many rooms and mobs come from dungeon keys?

Lesser gives you 1-9 rooms, roughly. Jagged gives you 3-15 rooms. Bloody gives you 8-27 rooms.

What level are the monsters then?

The level is dependant on the key. Lesser is 3 levels below yours, Jagged is your level and Bloody is 3 levels higher than your level.

What kind of monsters are in the dungeons?

I can`t tell you. It`s as random as how many treasure rooms are in the dungeon.

Treasure rooms?

Yes, there`s a few treasure rooms in the dungeon that gives you unidentified equipment. However I don`t know how many will spawn in a dungeon.

What`s a (random word here) of the beast room?

It`s a special room which spawns a hero type monster. It`s not like the hero monsters that spawn on a random tile at a random time, but it does drop more loot.

Can I change the level the monsters spawn as?

No. The level is always determined to be your level minus three and there is no way to change that.

Can anyone else enter my dungeon?

Your dungeon is preset to be locked so only you can enter the dungeon and no one else.

Can anyone break into my dungeon?


Someone created a dungeon with different level spawns! Why?

Players can make dungeon using the Dungeon Mastery skill which is gained at level 395 at the realm Lakeview in the town you first start in when you enter the realm.

Where can I find dungeon keys then?

Dungeon keys are dropped by monsters randomly. I`ve been able to confirm that the most common drop chance for a key is 4%. The next drop chances are 3% or 5%. There is, as far as I have found out, only one monster that gives a drop chance of 40%.

How long does a dungeon stay for?

Two days approximately. That`s 48 hours. So if you`re not a robot like me, then you might aswell dispose of it after using it.