About Styles
If you have a weapon skill you should be able to learn combat styles for that skill. There are typically hundreds of combat styles available for the various weapon skills in the game you can view more information on these styles via the Library > Styles screen.
Styles are a fighters best friend as they provide a large amount of damage and can mean the difference between life and death. If you do not fight with styles you are really missing out on your full potential.
Styles can be gained through two methods:
Manuals are random drop loot items that you may gain from killing monsters or buying/trading with other players. A manual is a piece of paper that you can use from your Inventory screen and it will teach you the style it is for.
Trainers are the most common way to get new styles as there are trainers in every realm, typically trainers may teach styles for several different skills. You can visit a trainer and pay to learn new combat styles. To find the location of a style trainer use the Help > Manual > Realm Name guide pages to look up the skill you are seeking more styles for.
Trainers only show you the styles they can teach that you currently have enough skill to use so you can not stock up on all the styles in the game in one go, and you may need to visit several style trainers in each realm to get all the styles that are available.
You will need sufficient skill to learn the style, you may only learn styles you have the skill for.
After learning a style it will become available in combat assuming you meet two other criteria:
Most likely if you learn a new style but can not use it in combat it is because you do not have enough stamina to use it. You can check how much stamina is needed on the Abilities > Styles screen.
**Readying Styles
**You can speed up combat by readying your favourite styles, this allows you to reduce the amount of clicking needed to make your attack. A total of 20 styles across all skills can be readied so it is important you choose wisely.
To ready a style go to Abilitles > Ready Styles choose your combat skill at the top of the screen then ready all of the styles you think will be useful to you in a fight.
You may find it makes sense to ready every other or every fourth or fifth style as you will find that when you use a style the stamina usage makes it so your next highest style can not be used.
When in combat to use a readied style click the Attack with readied melee styles or Attack with readied ranged styles buttons instead of the usual button you may use. If you wish to choose a style then simply go back to using the Attack enemy and Attack with ranged buttons.
Using Styles
Styles can be used in one of two ways.
If you are not using readied styles you will find that when you attack via the attack enemy or attack with ranged buttons you are presented with a list of combat styles you can use. The highest 25 or so styles that you have the skill and stamina to use are displayed with the most powerful ones from left to right. You can simply choose a style to use that style to attack your enemy or you can choose to use no style at all.
Each time you use a style your stamina will go down, if it goes down far enough so that the requirements for a style are no longer met you will find the list of styles changes to show weaker styles or that you start using a weaker readied style.