Combat Screen
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The combat screen is shown when you attack someone or accept a duel or tournament fight request.

The combat screen is broken down into the following sections:

**The left side of the combat screen displays your character and any combat pet you have.

Info and Buttons
The central area of the fight window displays information on the selected fighter in the top part of the screen and below that it has a number of buttons that can be used to perform fight actions.

The buttons perform the following functions:

The right side of the screen shows the people/monsters or pets you are attacking.

If you use one of the buttons in the middle of the screen the action you selected may require you to choose a second option from this results box.

**Bottom button bar
**There are a few buttons at the bottom of the fight screen:

Combat casting tips
When casting a defensive/beneficial spell in combat the spell recipient will change from one of your enemies to either you or your pet. You can choose a specific target for a beneficial spell by clicking on the target in the left side of the window rather than the right as you would normally do with a combat offensive spell.