Chat Terms 1
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This is a simple (and likely incomplete) guide to a few of the phrases and terms used in the global shoutbox in LoH. If I miss any, let me know, and I`ll try to get them added.

LoH= Lands of Hope. This is the game you`re playing if you`re reading this.

Myzan= The land LoH is set in.

31, 59 (or other sets of 2 numbers)= Coordinates of a location. These can be entered into the X and Y boxes underneath the mini-map once you have left the estate to quickly travel to that location.

BP= Bronze piece(s). The smallest notation of money in Loh.

SP= 1. Silver Piece(s). (or Stamina Points, see the next entry). 100 BP = 1 SP.

2. Stamina Point(s). (or Silver pieces. see the previous entry). These are used for your combat skills. (except for magic. See MP)

GP= Gold Piece(s). 100 SP = 1 GP.

PP= Platinum Piece(s). The largest notation of money in LoH. 100 GP= 1 PP.

MP= Magic Point(s). Points used in combat to cast spells. (see SP 2. for non magical combat)

HP= Hit Points. Your health. When this reaches 0, you are dead and need ressurected. (Seek out a healer.)

AFK = Away from Keyboard. This generally means that the player will not be answering questions or replying for a short time.

CAPS= Capslock. Often refers to using Capital letters excessively. This is against chat rules. Also, a button on the keyboard that toggles the default capitalization.

Semi-AFK= This could mean a couple things. Likely, it means the player is distracted, though still at the keyboard. They may or may not reply or answer questions.

SB= Shoutbox. This is the box that chat shows up in.

Room= The different chat rooms. Generally accessable using the “rooms” button above the Shoutbox.

BRB= Be right back. This means about the same thing as AFK.

BBL= Be back Later. This is likely a longer period of time than BRB

LOL= Laugh(ing) out loud. This means that the player found something funny, and laughed about. Mostly self-explanatory.

PPL= People.

ROFL=Rolling on floor laughing. This is the same as LOL, though generally considered to be referring to something funnier than LOL.

Lurk= This means that the player is still there, but will likely not say anything. This is different than AFK or BRB in that they may still see what is written, but are simply choosing not to say anything themselves.

WB= Welcome Back. Used to welcome a player who has played before back to LoH.

BTW= By the way.

PM= Private Message. A message sent to another player that no one else can see. Initiated by clicking on a player`s name in chat, or by typing /pm (player`s name).

NP= No problem.