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Allowed Armor: Cloth
The Caster is orientated to magic and not really intended for melee combat. Casters start with the MYSTICAL MAGIC spell line as their primary offensive line and can also use stave weapons such as wands and staffs although only intended as a last resort. Casters also get an auxillary skill called Portal Mastery which can be used to craft one way portals to another square on a realm you have previously visited.

Attack Power: Low
Magic Power: Average
Armor: Low
Health: Average

If you do the Casting quest on the Estate you will gain your first few spells, otherwise you can wait until you leave the estate and purchase them from the magic trainers at 31, 59. This guide will focus on using your spells and not melee/physical attacks.

The spells you can use in combat are determined by how much skill you have in the required magic skill and also how much mana and intelligence you have, therefore it is possible to learn magic spells from a trainer or a Spellbook/scroll that you do not have enough mana or intelligence to actually cast yet, so you do need to pay attention to your mana and intelligence to ensure you have the requirements to cast a spell.

There are generally three types of magic Offensive, Defensive and Buff while each type may have a number of different sub types, these are the three most common types.

Offensive, these spells can be cast in combat and directly damage your opponent.
Defensive, these spells may either be cast outside of combat to provide some kind of defense or cast inside of combat and usually do not do direct damage.
Buff, typically cast outside of combat on either yourself or a friend or minion and provide some form of enhancement to a skill or stat.

As a Caster you should get Mana Boost I and Mind Blast I from the spell book (at the very least), Mana Boost I provides 1pt of mana which doesnt sound like much but it is intended to demonstrate the purpose of Buff type spells. To cast this spell goto Abilities > Spellbook, click on the Spell and then click the relevant button to cast it. This will then give you a 2hour boost to Mana.

Also Offensive and Defensive spells can be readied, readying a spell enables you to cast your favourite spells, as your mana goes down through casting the next available readied spell will be used and so on. To ready your spells goto Abilities > Ready Spells, readying a spell is optional you can cast spells without readying them but it requires extra clicks in combat, so most players prefer to ready the spells they wish to use.

Once you initate combat with something, you will find that there are 4 main casting related combat buttons:

You can continue to cast spells until the fight is over or you run out of mana, if you run out of mana you may need to switch to using your weapon or drink a mana potion to regain some mana and cast spells again.

Making Portals (after you leave the Estate)
Portal Mastery, lets you craft portalstones to various locations on a map, these stones can then be used to form a temporary one way portal to that tile the portalstone may also be placed into a portal room inside a building to form a permanent one way portal to that location.

These portalstones can be traded with other players or sold, and the portal mastery skill makes a great way for a Caster to gain extra experience.

To use the Portal mastery skill goto World > Make Portal, this will provide a small area view of the current realm you are in, this skill is level based and takes the level of the tile in its skill requirement calculation so to begin with you need to practice on tiles that are nearer Springlade (lower level) for example the tile one square north of Springlade is level 1 and perfect for raising your skill.

Click on a tile on the displayed map, and the area on the right of the screen will display and show you the skill requirements needed to make a portalstone, if you meet or exceed those requirements click on the display and it will create a portalstone and add it to your queue, otherwise if the text is red you most likely need to raise your skill further or find another tile near by you can use for raising your skill.

You will get one point per made portal so this skill will go up pretty quickly, until you reach your limit. Items made with this skill are added to your Inventory > Queue screen and will only complete once you visit this screen after their time is up.

To open a temporary portal goto the World > Open Portal screen and scroll around the map until it displays a marked location you have a portalstone for. Once you open a portal it will remain for 5minutes enough time for the people in your group or other players to enter the portal to get to the new location.

Future Choices
As a Caster at level 50 you can evolve into one of three professions:

  1. Invoker
  2. Mage
  3. Shaman

Evolution does not take away any skills, infact it gives you more skills and higher stats when you level however you should understand the differences between each profession before evolving so you dont later on decide you made a mistake.