Building Friend Screen
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The building friend screen is used to set a list of people who are allowed access to a building or room.
The friend screen can be accessed either via the Friend button on the Property > Manage screen or via the friend button found at the bottom of the screen when inside a building room.
Editing Friends
To edit a friend on the list select the friend and then you can use the following options/buttons:
- Options
- Building Admin, Can lock, trap, upgrade, furnish, stealth, spawn.
- Building Manager, Can access this building via the Property > Manage screen.
- Key Crafter, Can use the key renovate feature to make room keys for this room.
- Buttons
- Delete, delete the selected friend from this rooms friends list (if person is on the list for multiple rooms consider using the global delete button).
- Global Delete, delete the selected friend from all rooms in the building (use the delete button to only delete them from one room).
- Kick, kick the selected friend out of a room if they happen to be inside it.
- Ban, ban the selected friend from accessing this room.
- Uban, unbans the selected friend from the room (they have to be banned for this button to show up).
- Global, copies the options for Admin/Manager and Key settings to all rooms in the building this is a handy way of making a friends settings global to the entire building.
- Copy, can be used to copy friend settings from one room to multiple rooms.
Adding Friends
By default the friends screen lists all of the people who have access to this current room to add more people to the list of friends click the Add Friend button at the bottom of the screen.
The Add screen will list all of the people at the current location by default but you can also put the name of someone into the box at the top of the screen to have it search for someone to add to the list of friends.
To confirm adding someone to this rooms friends list click on their name in the results area of the window and then you will be taken back to the friends screen to edit the user. See editing a friend above.
Friend Colors
Friends show up in one of three colors:
- Green, this is a friend you added to the list.
- Red, this is someone who is on your friends list but banned which means they can not enter this room.