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Allowed Armor: Cloth Leather
The Archer class has a number of combat skills to choose from including:

When using Bows and Crossbows you need ammunition aquipped to your ammo slot. With Bows the ammunition is arrows while Crossbows use bolts, while you do start the game with some arrows (if you do the Combat quest) you can also craft your own or buy more from General Store NPCs dotted around the lands of Myzan. The Archer class starts with the ability to use Leather as well as Cloth which puts it on an even footing with the Fighter class and the Rogue class.

Attack Power: Average
Magic Power: None
Armor: Average
Health: Average

After you have done the Training - Combat quest you will have gained some weapons. This section of the guide will focus on the use of the Bow and Arrows in your Estate Supply Box rather than other weapons although the information can be applied to most weapons.

The Bow works best if used with Arrows, while your bow will work without arrows it will do less damage overall and be used more like a melee weapon than a ranged weapon. So you should always remember to have enough arrows and spares available if needed. Your ammo remaining is displayed in combat so you should always have a good indication of how much ammo you have left in the current equipped stack.

As with all weapons making sure you have the best Bow and Arrows for your level will ensure you do optimum damage, there are new materials generally every 5 levels so you should be able to upgrade your weapons and ammo every five levels, however there are not NPC shops every five levels so you may have to trade with other players or kill monsters or craft the items yourself to obtain them. The higher the level of the item the greater its DPR (Damage per round) rating and thus how much damage it can do.

After equipping your bow and arrow, you can attack with them in combat. If you have melee weapons equipped clicking the attack button might use them over the bow, so you will have to click the ranged attack button instead.

Arrows come in all different shapes and sizes, ranging from standard types to types with various spell effects on them, the spell effect arrows give an archer a more varied offensive capability as they can fire things like flaming arrows at an enemy.

Crafting Bows and Arrows (after you leave the Estate)
If you wish to be totally self sufficient you will need to make your own bows and arrows, to do that you will need the following skills:

Planks (main ingredient) - Made from Logs using the Carpentry skill, Logs are made using Lumberjacking.
Arrowhead - Made from Ingots using the Tinkering skill, Ingots are made using Blacksmithing from ore gathered using Mining.

Short Bow
Ingot - Made from ore using the Blacksmithing skill, Ore is gathered using Mining
String - Made from Prepared hide using the Tailoring skill, Prepared hide is made from hides using the Leatherworking skill, hide is made using the Skinning skill.
Large Stock (main ingredient) - Made from logs, Logs are gathered using Lumberjacking.

So as you can see to make arrows you need Lumberjacking, Carpentry, Mining, Tinkering and Blacksmithing, quite the long list, and to make a short bow you need Mining, Blacksmithing, Skinning, Tailoring, Leatherworking and Lumberjacking.

However while the initial list is long, the main ingredients used in the creation of arrows and short bows is wood, which means that basically you only need Lumberjacking and Carpentry the other skills required can all just be trained and forgotten about as long as you have Lumberjacking and Carpentry and keep them at your maximum you will always be able to make a good arrow and a good bow for your level.

Incase you werent aware the main ingredient in crafting, usually shows up in bold text or in gold text and it is the ingredient that determines the final level of the item you are making, so if you use a level 10 plank in your arrows you get a level 10 arrow the level of the other ingredients doesnt matter you can use level 1 materials for those which is why you only need to have trained the other skills to be able to make the bows and arrows yourself.

It is possible to skip some of these skills and get other players to make components for you, or to get other players to make your weapons and arrows.

Future Choices
As an archer at level 50 you can evolve into one of three professions:

  1. Scout
  2. Soldier
  3. Tracker

Evolution does not take away any skills, infact it gives you more skills and higher stats when you level however you should understand the differences between each profession before evolving so you dont later on decide you made a mistake.