Account Creation
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To create a new accout you mustĀ first accept the Lands of Hope Terms of Service document which can be found at the following location:

After reading the TOS there will be a button to ACCEPT the Terms, this will then take you to the new account screen.

You should fill in all of the boxes on the account screen:

After entering the details in the new account screen click the Signup button to have your account created and a verification email sent to your email address.

All of these details can be changed after making the account but rememberĀ the Email Address is vitally important as we need to verify that address before you can play.

If you do not receive a verification email to that address it is most likely due to the fact that you entered an incorrect email address, the email was deleted due to junk filters or there was some problem sending the email. If you have email filtering or blocking enabled you should add to your list of trusted domains/email senders so that our emails can reach you.

Once your account is verified you can make new characters and begin to play Lands of Hope!